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Current Status and Future Agenda of Forensic Psychiatric Evaluations under the Japanese Citizen Judge System─An Example of a Japanese Supreme Court’s Judgment on Mental Disability
作者 林儹紘
中文摘要 在成人刑事司法的審判過程當中,每當重大案件出現了有關我國刑法第19條(行為責任能力)的適用問題時,「被告是否真的患有精神障礙嗎?」此一疑問就常會一躍成為社會新聞上的焦點,究其原因不外乎是社會輿論擔心被告會設法利用前述的規定作為規避刑責的免死金牌。
英文摘要 In the course of adult criminal justice, whenever the question of the application of Article 19 of Criminal Law (Competence to Act) arises in a major case, the question of ’Is the defendant really mentally disabled? This question often becomes the focus of the news, mainly because the defendant can be completely exempted or relieved of criminal responsibility if he or she meets the requirements of Article 19 of the Criminal Law; therefore, public opinion is concerned that the offender will try to use Article 19 of the Criminal Law as a way to avoid criminal responsibility.
As a professional judge, in the process of judging cases related to the determination of responsibility, the judge must make an objective and impartial assessment of the connection between the defendant’s responsibility and the crime, while avoiding being influenced by public opinion or the feelings of the victim. Generally speaking, an objective and impartial judgment means not only relying on legal expertise, but also requiring medical expertise (i.e., Forensic Psychiatric Evaluations); therefore, how to take into account the respective legal and medical professional judgments becomes a difficult issue in the trial.
With bill to add citizen judges to criminal trials coming into effect in 2023, the general public, who have been elected as national judges, will have to face the aforementioned the difficult issue together with professional judges. Therefore, this paper attempts to compile and analyze the arguments that have been used in the judgment on mental disorders since the implementation of the Citizen Judge System in Japan in 2009, in the hope that the Japanese experience will provide a space for Taiwan to think.
起訖頁 101-115
關鍵詞 精神鑑定精神障礙人格障礙日本裁判員制度國民法官Forensic Psychiatric EvaluationsMentally Disordered OffendersPersonality Disorderthe Japanese Citizen Judge SystemCitizen Judges
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202302 (333期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133307  複製DOI  DOI申請

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