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A Study on the Practice Issues of Parking Space in Condominium Building
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中文摘要 本文探討公寓大廈停車位之實務問題,指出拍定人因法院拍賣而取得地下室違章建物之權利標的,乃該違章建物之所有權,且拍定人基於類似團體法原理而受停車位分管契約之拘束。當拍定人訴請區權人、非區權人各將占用之停車位返還予自己,並各按月給付相當於租金之價額時,屬區權人及住戶之停車位使用人得援引所有權讓與不破租賃、以及占有連鎖而主張有權占有,並依善意占有人規定主張不成立不當得利。至於不具區權人資格之停車位使用人,則應返還停車位,但仍得依善意占有人規定主張不構成不當得利。
英文摘要 The purpose of this article, which is divided into six parts, is to analyze the practice issues of parking space in condominium building. Following an introduction relative to recent Taiwanese Supreme Court cases, Part II explores the problem of illegal underground parking space. Then, Part III argues for a legal possession of the owner of condominium against the highest-bidder, while Part IV clarifies that a non-owner of condominium does not meet the requirements of a chain of possessions. Part V explains that the highest-bidder is bound on the principle of collective covenant regarding the use of parking space. Finally, Part VI concludes by providing answers to Taiwanese practice issues.
起訖頁 59-74
關鍵詞 停車位分管契約違章建築事實上處分權占有連鎖公寓大廈Parking SpaceThe Covenant of the Use and ManagementIllegal ConstructionRight to Dispose the Illegal ConstructionA Chain of PossessionsCondominium
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202302 (333期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133304  複製DOI  DOI申請

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