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Comparative Analysis of the United States and Taiwan’s Export Control Regime–Focusing on Dual-use Goods and Technologies
作者 楊健弘
中文摘要 出口管制制度為一國防止國際間武器擴散及保護國家安全之政策工具。出口管制之項目除武器外,亦包括軍民兩用貨品與技術。而後者則因2019年美國宣布將華為及其關係企業列入實體管制清單(entity list),禁止企業在沒有商務部許可之情況下與華為交易而引起各國之高度矚目。而美國以制定專法及管制清單之方式建構龐雜之軍民兩用出口管制體系,並由陣容龐大之商務部工業及安全局(Bureau of Industry and Security, BIS)作為主管機關。與美國比較,我國之出口管制體系規定於貿易法,並由經濟部國際貿易局作為主政機關。我國出口管制無論在法規設計、主管機關人力、專業及量能上均與美國有極大落差,能否確保國家安全、因應全球科技戰、維護我國科技研發成果及產業競爭優勢,不無疑問。爰此,本文比較臺美出口管制體系,並指出我國制度之問題及困難,並提出強化與精進方向。
英文摘要 The export control regime is a policy tool of a country to prevent international weapons proliferation and protect national security. In addition to weapons, dual-use goods and technologies also subject to export control laws. The latter has attracted great attention because the United States (U.S.) announced in 2019 that Huawei and its affiliated companies will be included in the entity list under its export control laws, prohibiting companies from trading with Huawei without the permission. The U.S. has established a complex dual-use export control regime and the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) is the competent authority. Compared with the U.S., Taiwan’s export control regime is stipulated in the Foreign Trade Act, and the Bureau of Foreign Trade is the competent authority. Taiwan’s export control laws are far behind the U.S. in terms of regulatory design, manpower, expertise, and capacity of competent authorities. There is a question whether it can ensure Taiwan’s national security and protect its technology achievements. Therefore, this article compares the export control regime of Taiwan and the U.S. and points out the issues of Taiwan’s regime. Finally, this article proposes the possible ways for improving such regime.
起訖頁 192-211
關鍵詞 出口管制出口許可證軍民兩用貨品與技術戰略性高科技貨品貿易法美國出口管制改革法Export ControlStrategic High-Tech CommoditiesDual-use ItemsExport Control Reform Act of the U.S.Foreign Trade Act of Taiwan
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202301 (332期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133210  複製DOI  DOI申請

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