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A Study of the Regulation of“Negotiation on the Continuous Employment”of the Article 20 of the Labor Standards Act and Article 16 of the Business Mergers and Acquisitions Act–EU and German Law as a Reference
作者 邱羽凡
中文摘要 依據企業併購法第16、17條與勞基法第20條之規定,當「轉讓」而致原雇主消滅或事實上已未繼續營業時,承認雇主此時得解僱勞工,雖新舊雇主同時得啟動商定留用之程序,然此僅導致勞工僅能處於被動接受雇主決定留用與否之結果。參酌歐盟2001/23/EG指令與德國民法第613a條,其規定勞工之勞動契約關係於企業與事業單位之全部或一部轉讓時自動隨同移轉與受讓人,保護勞工免於單純因企業轉讓而喪失工作,且同時賦予勞方資訊權、諮商權,以及勞工本人之異議權,對照之下,我國仍尚有檢討與改善之空間。
英文摘要 According to Articles 16 and 17 of the Business Mergers and Acquisitions Act and Article 20 of the Labor Standards Act, when a“transfer”results in the disappearance of the original employer or the enterprise has ceased to operate, the employment contracts can be terminated. However, the new and old employers can initiate the procedure of negotiation on a continuous employment, but the employees can only accepted the employer’s decision, rather than make a own one. Refer to the Council Directive 2001/23/EC and Section 613a of the German Civil Code, which stipulate that when all or a part of the enterprise is transferred, the labor contract must automatically be transferred as well. These regulations protect the employees from unemployment just due to business mergers and acquisition. Moreover, the employees are entitled the rights of information, consultation and objection. Compared with EU and German Law, the Taiwan legal system still need a great improvement.
起訖頁 163-191
關鍵詞 商定留用企業併購勞動基準法第20條歐盟2001/23/EG指令德國民法第613a條Negotiation on the Continuous EmploymentBusiness Mergers and AcquisitionsArticle 20 of the Labor Standards ActCouncil Directive 2001/23/ECSection 613 a of the German Civil Code
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202301 (332期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133209  複製DOI  DOI申請

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