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Relationship between Stage Name, Trademark, and Representation: Taiwan Intellectual Property and Commercial Court 2021 Min-Shang-Shang-Zi No. 7 Civil Decision as a Primer
作者 陳皓芸
中文摘要 演藝人員或表演團體的名稱,不僅是單純指涉該個人或團體之稱呼,亦為具有顧客吸引力以及相應的經濟價值的符號。對於此類藝名,除民法上姓名權(演藝人員對於其藝名的使用權)的保護外,尚可能運用商標法、或公平交易法的著名表徵規範予以保護。則當藝名所涉及的利害關係人立場不一致時,制度上如何調和其矛盾,即為重要課題,亦為本文主要的問題意識。涉及藝名的訴訟案件眾多,本文以歷時二年方於近日落幕的蘇打綠事件為引子,說明藝名與表徵、商標間的錯綜關係,並就相關爭點輔以日本商標法上學說與實務見解,以供讀者參考。
英文摘要 Today, a stage name, as well as an ensemble name, is not only a fictitious name used to indicate an entertainer or a group of entertainers, but also works as an embodiment of the entertainer’s attractiveness and its economic value. For such stage names, in addition to the right to use one’s name under the Civil Code, they may be also protected under the Trademark Act or the famous-representation-related provisions of the Fair Trade Act. When the stakeholders related to a stage name have different or conflicting interests, how to reconcile the contradictions becomes a complex issue, which is the main concern of this article. Using the Sodagreen case as a guide to identifying potential problems, this article introduces the relevant disputes with doctrinal and practical insights from Taiwanese and Japanese trademark law, aiming to shed light on this complex but intriguing issue.
起訖頁 43-61
關鍵詞 藝名表演團體名稱著名商標權姓名權Stage NameEnsemble NameWell-knownTrademarkRight to Use Name
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202301 (332期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133204  複製DOI  DOI申請

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