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Trademark Rights of Fictional Characters and Use as a Trademark: Comment on Two Judgements of the Intellectual Property Court
作者 王敏銓
中文摘要 商標權可保護角色的名稱及其識別性特徵。智慧財產法院近期作出兩個關於角色商標權的判決,均有關於角色名稱的使用型態。角色名稱應如何使用,方能符合商標法中的真實使用概念?本文綜合我國與美國實務見解,敘述角色名稱的真實使用所須具備的方式。
英文摘要 Trademark rights protect a fictional character’s name and its distinctive attributes. The Intellectual Property Court has recently made two judgments on the trademark issues of fictional characters, both of which are related to the pattern of using the character’s name as a trademark. How should the name of a character be used so that the use can be consistent with the requirement of actual use in trademark law? This article synthesizes court decisions in Taiwan and the United States to describe the manner in which the actual use of character names should be made.
起訖頁 31-42
關鍵詞 虛擬角色商標權商標使用真實使用非作為商標使用商品或服務範圍Fictional CharacterTrademark RightUse as a TrademarkActual UseFailure to Functionthe Scope of Goods and Services
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202301 (332期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133203  複製DOI  DOI申請

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