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On the Enlightenment of Japan’s Legislation on the Residential Tenancies Management Act–Focusing on the Current Development of Japanese Residential Tenancies Market and the Legal Norms
作者 林旺根
中文摘要 租賃住宅之管理過去以屋主為中心,但近年來,由於屋主高齡化或繼承等原因而改變,越來越多的屋主委託管理業者進行管理。隨著屋主與租戶之間關係中管理業者的干預增加,管理人與屋主或租戶之間經常發生糾紛。此外「轉租」方式普遍,但由於契約條款(如租金擔保)錯誤而經常出現爭議,並成為社會問題。為導正管理業者之不當行為,日本於2020年6月19日公布「賃貸住宅の管理業務等の適正化に関する法律」(簡稱「租賃住宅管理業法」),於2021年6月15日施行。透過立法規範出租住宅管理業者之登錄制度、創設租賃管理士專門職業制度,且對於經常衍生糾紛之「サブリース業者(我國稱包租業)」轉租契約(我國稱包租契約)訂定導正規範。包括,包租契約之禁止不實廣告及不當招攬等規定,並以刑事罰則,以遏止此類弊端與惡行。 我國租賃住宅市場發展較晚,租賃住宅市場發展及管理條例之規範,尚有諸多不足之處,值得參考該國之立法加以檢討改進。
英文摘要 In the past, the management of Residential Tenancies was centered on the owner, but in recent years, due to the aging of the owner, inheritance, etc., more and more homeowners have entrusted the management to property management companies. Disputes often arise between managers, homeowners and tenants as managers’intervention between homeowners and tenants increases. In addition, “sublease” is common, but it is often disputed due to the error of contractual clauses (such as rent guarantees) and has become a social problem. In order to rectify the misconduct of management companies, Japan promulgated “Act on the Optimization of Operations Management promulgated of Residential Tenancies”, (i.e. The Residential Tenancies Management Act) on June 19, 2020 and it came into force on June 15, 2021. Through the enactment of laws,it regulates the registration system of residential tenancies management companies, and creates a special professional system for rental managers. To regulate the frequent occurrence of disputes of sublease contracts, it stipulates the guidelines for the sublease contracts of “Sublease companies”. This includes the prohibition of false advertising and improper solicitation, as well as criminal penalties to curb such abuses and evil deeds. The development of Residential Tenancies market in Taiwan is relatively late, and there are still many deficiencies in the development of the “Rental Housing Market Development and Regulation Act”. The legislation of Japan can be a good reference for us to review and improve our regulation. 
起訖頁 216-235
關鍵詞 租賃住宅租賃管理包租代管不當招攬租賃專法Residential TenanciesLease ManagementSublease and ManagementImproper SolicitationLease Law
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202212 (331期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133113  複製DOI  DOI申請

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