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Outcomes and Prospects of the 12th WTO Ministerial Conference
作者 陳逸青
中文摘要 世界貿易組織從2022年6月12日至17日於日內瓦總部召開第12屆部長會議並達成各項決議和宣言,此些文件總稱為「日內瓦套案」,該套案被視為係WTO會員國因應現今世界面臨的各項挑戰,所提供與貿易相關之具體回應。本次會議成果展現會員國仍尊重以規則為基礎的多邊貿易體系。「日內瓦套案」包含:MC12成果文件、WTO因應緊急情況套案、電子商務課徵關稅及工作計畫決議、漁業補貼協定、小型經濟體工作計畫、TRIPS非違反協定控訴及因應當前食品安全檢驗與動植物防疫檢驗挑戰等。本文將就MC12成果重要議題提出評析,並就WTO會員國未來協商方向提出建議。
英文摘要 The World Trade Organization (WTO) successfully concluded the 12th Ministerial Conference (MC12) in Geneva on 17 June, securing multilaterally negotiated outcomes on a series of critical resolutions and declarations. The “Geneva Package” underlines the vital role of the WTO in crafting trade-related multilateral solutions for global challenges. The outcome of the MC12 demonstrates that the Member States continuously respect the rule-based multilateral trading system. The Package comprises an outcome document, a package on WTO response to emergencies, a decision on the E-commerce Moratorium and Work Programme, an agreement on fisheries subsidies, the Work Programme on Small Economie, the TRIPS non-violation and situation complaints, and responding to modern SPS challenges. The article will comment on the essential issues of the MC12 outcomes and make suggestions on the future direction of WTO negotiations.
起訖頁 185-200
關鍵詞 世界貿易組織WTO部長會議漁業補貼農業協定WTO改革WTOWTO Ministerial ConferenceFishieries SubsidyAgreement on AgricultureWTO Reform
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202212 (331期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133111  複製DOI  DOI申請

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