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Methods of Making Evaluation to Expected Infringement and Self-Defense
作者 吳天雲
中文摘要 雖然具體預期未來侵害,卻未迴避或尋求國家保護,而敢於實行對抗行為。形式觀察固然符合正當防衛之現在性要件,但是此種可能欠缺真正必要性之對抗行為是否符合正當防衛之本旨?究應如何評價?對此,本文重新審視目前我國實務、學說可能未解之問題,再藉由比較法的考察尋求可能的妥適判斷方法。
英文摘要 Within the objectively specific expected infringement, an individual does not recuse or seek government protection but performs a conduct of defense. Although appearing to fulfill the element of immediate unlawful aggression, this action might lack of necessity and make itself not responsive to the core concept of Self-Defense. How shall we make judgements/evaluation? This article is to review any unsolved questions in current theory and practice in Taiwan. By comparing laws, consequently, this article proposes potential and appropriate methods of making judgements/evaluation.
起訖頁 134-151
關鍵詞 正當防衛預期防衛挑唆防衛互毆Reasonable Provocation and Self-DefenseAnticipatory Self-DefenseProvocation for Self-defenseFight Each Other
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202212 (331期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133108  複製DOI  DOI申請

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