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Is Abortion a Human Right or an Action of Murder? Who Decides?–Reviewing the History of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Abortion Jurispurdence
作者 廖元豪
中文摘要 美國最高法院在Dobbs案推翻了近50年的「墮胎權」判例Roe,使得生育自主權、胎兒地位、釋憲方法、司法與政治關係等議題,再次產生爭議。本文介紹分析Roe以來有關墮胎權的判例,從其論理、演變,以及影響,鋪陳出Dobbs案的背景與爭點。再詳述Dobbs如何批判並推翻Roe,否定「墮胎權」為憲法所保障之基本權利。最後從Roe到Dobbs的歷程,說明司法在論述憲法未列舉權利時應謹慎之處。
英文摘要 The U.S. Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization and revoked the “right to abortion.” This article reviews the Court’s history of “abortion” jurisprudence since Roe and presents the issues regarding women’s autonomy, fetus’ legal status, the judicial approach to recognize “unenumerated right,” and the relevant social-political controversies. In addition to demonstrate and analyze how Dobbs critized and tear down Roe, the author also made some reflections about serious flaws of Roe’s jurisprudential methodology.
起訖頁 110-133
關鍵詞 墮胎胎兒基本權利非列舉權利先例拘束司法謙抑AbortionFetusFundamental RightJudicial ModestyUnenumerated RightDobbsRoe
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202212 (331期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133107  複製DOI  DOI申請

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