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Deciding the NFT Related Trademark Infringement in the Metaverse─Lawsuit Brought by the World’s Largest Sports Shoe Maker Nike Against StockX
作者 陳家駿賴苡安
中文摘要 元宇宙現正在成形之中,但其中NFT相關的智財權爭訟卻已不斷的展開,繼愛馬仕率先提告後,全球最大球鞋製造商Nike也提出NFT的商標侵權訴訟。這兩件美國侵權官司,相同點都是針對未經授權的第三方,擅自使用其皮包或鞋類來製作NFT;但不同點在於,首先,Nike案中打得不只是「空戰」(即單純NFT代幣),另還有「陸戰」,亦即被告不僅單純鑄造NFT,而且還將其連接到實體球鞋之銷售和轉換;其次不同的是,一般NFT都是用ERC 721協議,但Nike案被告卻使用ERC 1155協議,這兩項技術上的不同,是否會在商標侵權之法律抗辯上產生變化,雖然本案才開打,到判決出爐還有相當的時間,但針對新興科技在元宇宙中影響商標智財之重要爭點,本文爰加以深入分析供讀者參考。
英文摘要 With the growth in Metaverse transactions, NFT-related intellectual property disputes also continue to grow. After Hermes’ first lawsuit against a US artist, the world’s largest sneaker manufacturer Nike filed an NFT trademark infringement lawsuit. These two actions in the United States are similar in that they target unauthorized third parties who use Hermes bags or Nike sneakers to make NFTs. However, the Nike case is not only an “air battle” (i.e., NFT tokens only) It is also a “land warfare” in which the defendant mints NFTs and connects same to the sales and conversion of physical sneakers. In addition, whereas NFTs generally is used under the ERC 721 protocol, Nike has sued the defendant who uses the ERC 1155 protocol. Do the different protocols have ramifications for trademark infringement defense? Although these cases are in their early stages, this article provides an in-depth analysis of trademark infringement defenses in the Metaverse.
起訖頁 216-232
關鍵詞 元宇宙非同質化代幣NFTERC-1155/721協議商標侵權指示性合理使用混淆誤認判斷MetaverseNFTERC-1155/ ERC-721 StandardTrademark InfringementNominative Fair UseLikelihood of Confusion
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202211 (330期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133012  複製DOI  DOI申請

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