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The Damage Compensation System for Land Registration in Taiwan
作者 陳立夫
中文摘要 土地法第68條規定:「因登記錯誤遺漏或虛偽致受損害者,由該地政機關負損害賠償責任。但該地政機關證明其原因應歸責於受害人時,不在此限。前項損害賠償,不得超過受損害時之價值。」此乃國家賠償法之特別規定。本文主要在於闡明有關土地法土地登記損害賠償規定之制度意涵及其適用範圍等重點,並以臺灣高等法院臺中分院110年度上國易字第7號請求土地登記損害賠償事件之民事判決為中心,解析該判決見解之問題所在。
英文摘要 Article 68 of the Land Law stipulates: “Where damage is sustained through error, omission, or fraud in registration, the competent Land Office shall be liable to pay compensation therefore, unless the Land Office can prove that the person injured is responsible for the cause of such damage. The compensation for damage referred to in the preceding paragraph shall not exceed the value prevailing at the time when damage was sustained.” This is a special provision of the State Compensation Law. The main purpose of this paper is to clarify the institutional implications and scope of application of the provisions on damage compensation for land registration, and analyzes the problems of the Taiwan High Court Taichung Branch 110-year Shang-guo-Yi-Tzu No.7 civil judgment on the request for land registration damage compensation.
起訖頁 201-215
關鍵詞 土地登記土地登記簿國家賠償土地登記損害賠償登記儲金Land RegistrationLand RegisterState CompensationDamage CompensationRegistration Fund
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202211 (330期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133011  複製DOI  DOI申請

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