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On the Necessity for Ethical Guidelines of Autonomous Vehicles in Taiwan by Drawing on the Experiences from Germany & Japan
作者 張麗卿
中文摘要 科技的進步帶動人工智慧的發展日益成熟,其中運用最受矚目當屬自駕車。自駕車的應用可以紓解壅塞的交通、降低事故的發生,且有助於永續發展,因此無論是傳統車廠、新創公司甚至是知名企業紛紛投入相關研發,然而一項新事物的誕生,相關規範也就勢在必行,若能先制定一套完善的倫理規範標準,作為研發者的研發依據,必能降低大眾對此的疑慮,推動自駕車的普及。本文針對發展自駕車較為積極的科技先進的德國與日本,分析其所制定的倫理指引及相關規範,並就其經驗提供反思,建構屬於臺灣自己的自駕車倫理規範。
英文摘要 Advances in technology have led to the increasingly sophisticated development of artificial intelligence, and autonomous vehicles are among the most high-profile applications. The application of autonomous vehicles can relieve traffic congestion, reduce the occurrence of accidents, and contribute to sustainable development, so traditional car manufacturers, start-up companies, or even well-known enterprises have been investing in relevant research and development one after another. However, with the birth of a new thing, relevant norms are also imperative. If a comprehensive set of standards can be formulated first, it can be used as a basis for research and development, and it can also reduce the public’s doubts as well as promoting the popularity of autonomous vehicles. This article focuses on Germany and Japan which are advanced countries in science and technology with more active development of autonomous vehicles. It explains and compares the ethical norms regulated by them, and then through the reflection from those foreign experiences for our country, constructing our own ethical norms of autonomous vehicles in Taiwan.
起訖頁 104-134
關鍵詞 人工智慧自駕車倫理規範Artificial IntelligenceAutonomous VehicleEthical NormGermanyJapanTaiwan
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202211 (330期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133007  複製DOI  DOI申請

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