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Digital Evidence in Civil Litigation
作者 沈冠伶
中文摘要 科技發展日新月異,作為證據之方法及其調查程序亦應有所因應。本文肯認數位證據於民事訴訟之證據能力,關於數位證據之調查,在民事訴訟上應視作為證據之目的及作用而區別為準書證、新書證或勘驗。除電子原件外,複製件亦具有證據能力,但舉證人應證明其為真正。電子文件係表達人類思想意思者,為準文書,附有電子簽章者得否準用文書證據之推定真正規定,應從電子簽章與實體簽章之異同進行解釋,而符合一定條件之電子簽章得準用之。但為有明確之標準可循,宜立法明定附加何類電子(數位)簽章或電子時間戳之電子文件具有推定真正性或時間性之效力,以保障當事人之證明權、辯論權及聽審請求權,亦可減少不必要之證據調查程序,兼顧實體利益及程序利益之保護,使程序進行更有效率。
英文摘要 This article analyzes digital evidence in civil proceedings under Taiwanese Code of Civil Procedure. Regarding the investigation of digital evidence in civil litigation, it should be distinguished as quasi-documentary, new documentary, or inspection depending on its purpose and function as evidence. In addition to electronic originals, copies also have evidentiary capacity, if the party submitting them has proven its genuineness. Electronic documents with electronic signatures are considered as quasi-documents, but it is controversial on whether the presumption of authenticity of documentary evidence can be applied. In order to generate a clear standard to comply with, it is appropriate to legislate the types of electronic documents with electronic signatures, digital signatures or electronic time stamps shall have the effect of presumption of genuineness or timeliness. This would protect the parties’ right to proof and to reduce unnecessary evidence investigation procedures; hence, to safeguard the protection of both substantial and procedural interests.
起訖頁 77-103
關鍵詞 數位證據準文書複製件電子文件電子簽章推定真正Digital EvidenceCopiesQuasi-documentElectronic DocumentElectronic SignaturePresumptionDigital Forensics
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202211 (330期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133006  複製DOI  DOI申請

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