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A Revolution for Energy Law: Research and Practice
作者 Raphael J. Heffron
中文摘要 隨著一連串世界級重大事件(新冠肺炎所引發的金融浩劫以及烏俄戰爭)的接踵發生,能源在現代經濟中所扮演的角色之重要性不言而喻。儘管世界局勢混亂,第二十七屆聯合國氣候變遷會議仍照常舉行且迫在眉睫,因此,因應氣候變遷之行動是能源與經濟政策的最優先事項。其中一個理由,在於過往僅聚焦於商業,未關注社會能源與經濟領域之正義實踐。數十年來,「正義」並非能源與經濟政策的當務之急,這些領域必須從以經濟發展為關鍵目的與動力之角度來繼續開展。吾人現今面臨更多的考量,例如能源安全、能源負擔能力、能源投資、環境衝擊、公眾健康、減緩與適應氣候變遷等,諸如此類之考量皆會更加重視社會中之正義。能源研究正往更全面性的方向發展,學者們亦陸續將他們的研究與更宏觀之「能源系統」連結。相對於此,傳統的能源法學欠缺此方向,狹隘地僅關注電能市場或能源開採等特定議題。此限制使能源法學相對地未能創造與能源系統之連結,舉例而言,能源法學並未論述能源系統能如何進步並產出正義的結果。而正因學者們未注意到此種連結,導致能源法學長久以來僅研究傳統能源,例如化石燃料,僅有少數的研究者將他們的研究焦點轉為確保能源法律為社會提供正義的結果。許多學者連能源法學傳統研究以外之文獻都抗拒閱讀,更不用說要他們接觸漸漸開始出版法學相關文章的跨領域能源期刊了。本文呼籲「現代」能源法律學者與參與者能有進一步發展,而為達此目的,能源法學與實務必須有所革新,如此法律始能為持續中的全球氣候浩劫貢獻一己之力。
英文摘要 With different world events (COVID-19, a financial crisis and the Russia-Ukraine war) happening in quick succession it continues to be clear that energy plays a key role in economies today. With the United Nations climate change conference (COP27) looming, climate change action needs to remain at the forefront of energy and economic policy despite these events. One particular reason why, is that continuing a business-as-usual approach will continue to be detrimental to restoring justice in society’s energy sectors and economies. Justice has not been at the forefront of energy and economic policy for decades. These sectors need to move on from a focus on economic development as a key purpose and motivation. There are many other considerations today - such as energy security, energy affordability, energy investment, environmental impact, public health and climate change mitigation and adaptation – all of which will increase justice within society. Energy research has been growing in a holistic way whereby researchers are connecting their research to the bigger picture of an “energy system”. Energy law scholarship has lacked this direction and traditionally has focused too narrowly on specific topics such as electricity markets or extraction. A major limitation has permeated through scholarship in the area and relatively no connection is made to the energy system. Energy law scholarship did not for example, state where the energy system can improve and deliver a just outcome. The lack of identifying such a connection has permitted energy law scholars to fall under the radar and continue to work on issues that in essence support the continued development of traditional energy sources, i.e., fossil fuels. Only a minority of researchers have shifted their focus in a real and impactful way to ensuring energy law delivers just outcomes for society. Many scholars remain reluctant to read beyond traditional research in energy law not to mention engage in interdisciplinary energy journals which increasingly publish legal scholarship. This article calls for the further development of modern energy law scholars and practitioners. For such scholars to exist, there needs to be a revolution in energy law scholarship and practice to ensure law contributes to the ongoing global climate emergency.
起訖頁 50-62
關鍵詞 能源正義能源法學現代能源律師氣候緊急事件Energy JusticeEnergy Law ScholarshipModern Energy LawyerClimate Emergency
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202211 (330期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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