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The Analysis of the Carbon Border Adjustment Regime: an WTO Jurisprudence Perspective
作者 顏慧欣
中文摘要 歐盟在2021年宣布即將針對銷往歐盟的高碳排放產品,採用「碳邊境調整機制」(CBAM)加以規範,以作為歐盟境內「碳排放交易體系(ETS)的制度延伸,其目的在因應部分國家無減碳具體作為,反而導致若干排碳高的生產行為移往這些管制寬鬆地區而有「碳洩漏」風險,且對歐盟企業也有不公平競爭的問題。
英文摘要 In 2021, Tthe European Union (EU) has publised its draft regulatory proposal of the “Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism” (CBAM) that will apply to imported products. The proposed regime focuses on high carbon emission manufactuturing activities from all third countries outside the EU’s “Carbon Emissions Trading System (ETS)” regime. The main objective of the CBAM is to control and reduce the risk of “carbon leakage”, i.e. the shift of production activities with high carbon emissions to territories that have yet to introduce carbon pricing or other specific measures to address the issues of carbon emission. Besides, the CBAM also alleviates the european industry from competitive disadvantages.
However, as the CBAM applies additional charges to imported goods, it unavoidably involves the issue of legal consistency with the World Trade Organization (WTO) rules. Considering that CBAM is the first unilaterally attempt by WTO members in response to address the global warming crisis, this article provides initial legal analysis based on WTO jurisprunce on selected key issues of the CBAM.
起訖頁 38-49
關鍵詞 碳邊境調整碳交易體系碳定價同類產品生產與製程Carbon Border AdjustmentEmission Trading SystemCarbon PricingLike ProductsProduction and Process
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202211 (330期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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