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From Climate Change to Energy Transition: A Brief Review on Relevent Issues
作者 宮文祥
中文摘要 氣候變遷的問題,已不再是爭執是否真有地球急遽暖化之發生,也不再是要減多少的溫室氣體排放以為因應之爭議。而是要如何積極調適,並企求淨零排放目標之達成。法律,做為政策工具,在民主與法治的前提下,必須先為盤整與檢視既有規範不足之處,其中又涉及到不同面向的規範,舉凡氣候變遷因應法、再生能源發展條例,以及環境影響評估法,從既有的到修正草案的規定,乃至於淨零排放路徑的提出,都是關鍵,值得吾人好好關注。尤其從審議民主的角度觀之,環境與能源,涉及到的是跨領域、專業風險行政,以及問題因應的迫切性,本文嘗試提出一些爭點,從參與民主(氣候與能源民主)的角度切入,以供後續修法以及新法訂定之參考。
英文摘要 The issues of climate change are not about whether the global warming is truly happening or not and how many emissions greenhouse gases need to be reduced, but regarding how we enthusiasticly deal with the adaptation to the environmental challenges and achieve the goal of net-zero emissions. Laws, also rules, as a policy tool, based on the democracy and rule of law, in order to making sure of the practical, shall be checked and reviewed, including the existing ones or the related amendments, such as the Climate Change Response Act, the Renewable Energy Development Act, the Environmental Impact Assessment Act, and even the 2050 Net-Zero Emission Route, with their advantages and shortages for enforcement and compliance. Especially from the perspective of deliberate democracy, environment and energy, involving multiple academic disciplines, different expertises of risk administration, and the emergency from the nature of these issues, in this paper, the relevant problems would be raised, based on the democracy of climate and energy, as the participatory justice, for the amendments and new bills in the near future to come.
起訖頁 25-37
關鍵詞 氣候變遷能源轉型淨零排放再生能源環境影響評估經濟誘因制度Climate ChangeEnergy TransitionNet Zero EmissionsRenewable EnergyEnvironmental Impact AssessmenEcnomic Incentive System
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202211 (330期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593133002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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