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Critical Comments on Selected Criminal Decisions: Responsibility Capacity
作者 許恒達
中文摘要 刑事責任的課處以符合罪責原則(Schuldprinzip)為前提,罪責原則強調僅當行為人對於法益侵害行為及其結果,具備可能決定是否執行該侵害行為的能力時,才能構成犯罪並科處刑罰;相反來看,倘若行為人欠缺此項能力,即使行為人已經侵害法益,亦不足以讓行為擔負起刑事責任。要求行為人具體最起碼承擔責任的能力(Zurechnungsfähigkeit),才能肯認犯罪成立,認定行為人具有可非難性,此即刑法罪責原則強調「無罪責,無刑罰」的體現。
英文摘要 This article analyzes the current development of criminal decisions upon capacity for responsibility. As Taiwan’s Criminal Code provided, the sentencing of responsibility capacity can be divided into two-pronged tests: the biological and the psychological. The author tries to extract important judgment issues and practical viewpoints from Taiwan’s supreme court’s decisions for future academic research.
起訖頁 167-187
關鍵詞 Responsibility CapacityMental DisorderMental DefectsInsanity Defense
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202210 (329期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593132911  複製DOI  DOI申請

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