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The Concept of Financial Holding Companies in Mainland China from the Comparative Law Perspective
作者 馬凱亮
中文摘要 金融控股公司是一種廣泛存在於不同司法管轄區的公司形式。從比較法的視角,金融控股公司概念存在兩種狀態:基於法律文本和基於社會現實。此外,金融控股公司存在金融機構和控股公司兩種法律定位。而且,它強調對子公司的控制關係並對子公司提出一些特殊要求。在業務類型上,它在兩種法律定位中的情況是不同的,但總體上保持較為開放的態度。最後,在比較法分析的基礎上,中國大陸當前的金融控股公司概念保持與其他司法管轄區金融控股公司概念發展趨勢的一致性,但這在未來依然存在被更新的可能。總體而言,這符合法文化發展的規律。
英文摘要 A financial holding company is a form of company that exists widely in different jurisdictions. From a comparative law perspective, the concept of a financial holding company exists in two states: a state based on a legal text and a state based on social reality. Furthermore, there are two legal positions of financial holding companies: financial institution and holding company. Moreover, it emphasises the relationship of control over subsidiaries and imposes some special requirements on them. In terms of the type of business, it is different in the two legal positions, but generally remains more open-minded. Finally, on the basis of comparative law, the current concept of financial holding company in Mainland China maintains consistency with the development trend on the concept of financial holding company in other jurisdictions, but it remains a possibility that this could be updated in the future. Overall, it is in line with the development of legal culture.
起訖頁 130-146
關鍵詞 金融控股公司比較法金融機構控股公司法律概念Financial Holding CompaniesComparative LawFinancial InstitutionsHolding CompaniesLegal Concepts
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202210 (329期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593132909  複製DOI  DOI申請

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