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The Misty Forest of Administrative Law–System of the Effect of Administrative Act
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中文摘要 有關行政處分之生效(Wirksamkeit)、拘束力(Bindungswirkung)或存續力(Bestandskraft)等仍屬學界認為困難且複雜之議題。此等總論概念仍存在歧異與不確定性,是行政法上模糊與對立之場域,學說上之討論也呈現如同難以收拾之線團一般,更如同一個法律概念之迷霧森林或散落混亂之雜貨,成為最不可思議但卻最光彩奪目的行政法議題。本文就行政處分效力之體系,分別以涉及人的範疇與規制內涵之範疇分別加以說明。
英文摘要 The effectiveness (Wirksamkeit), commitment effect (Bindungswirkung) or administrative finality (Bestandskraft) of administrative act are still difficult and complicated issues. There are still differences and uncertainties in these general conceptsn in administrative law. The discussion of doctrines is also like a misty forest. This article analyzes the system of the effect of administrative act. The object of restraint and the connotation of restraint are discussed as categories.
起訖頁 34-44
關鍵詞 行政處分生效拘束力存續力構成要件效力確認效力Administrative ActEffectivenessAdministrative FinalityLegal ForceCommitment EffectVerwaltungsaktWirksamkeitBestandskraftRechtskraftBindungswirkung
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202210 (329期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593132903  複製DOI  DOI申請

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