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Innovative Thinking of Theory of Administrative Actions and The Administrative Legal Relationships
作者 李建良
中文摘要 行政行為論為傳統行政法理論的根基,亦是行政程序法立法的基本骨架,同時構成行政訴訟類型的體系元素。晚近社會結構變遷、法規日趨繁瑣,行政法問題多元而複雜,各種學說競相出新,行政行為論的功能備受質疑,行政法的研習與治學亦倍增困難。本文從解構行政行為論的概念要素出發,重新檢視行政行為論的功能、侷限及其所面臨之時代挑戰,並且結合行政法律關係論的探索,嘗試打破傳統以行政行為定性為重心的思維慣性,建構透析行政法體系的方法與視域,藉此提升並強化處理行政法實務問題的分析能力與開拓行政法學腹地的學術能量。
英文摘要 The theory of administrative actions is the foundation of classical theories in Administrative Law, the basic framework of the administrative procedure laws, and the structural elements in forming different types of administrative proceeding.
With the recent transitions in our social structure, cumbersome regulations, and the diverse and complex problems in administrative law, new theories questioning the validity of the theory of administrative actions have emerged, which further complicated the study of administrative law. This essay will reexamine the functions of the theory of administrative actions through the lens of administrative legal relationships, to expand and strengthen the way of thinking, and to improve the capabilities of analysis and practical problem solving in the field of administrative law.
起訖頁 6-22
關鍵詞 行政法學方法行政行為論行政處分行政法律關係論Methodology of Administrative LawTheory of Administrative ActionsAdministrative ActsTheories in administrative legal relationships
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202210 (329期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593132901  複製DOI  DOI申請

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