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How to Avoid the “Enlargement” of the Preparation Procedures in the Case of Citizen Judge Act – Considering from Japan’s Empirical Experience
作者 李啟明
中文摘要 我國「國民法官法」將於2023年1月1日施行,國民法官法係參考日本裁判員法為原型而設計,日本裁判員制度自2009年5月施行至今已逾12年,其實施經驗對於我國即將上路之本法運作具有相當之參考價值。惟日本裁判員案件準備程序期間逐漸加長之趨勢至為明顯,準備程序的長期化(肥大化)已成為嚴重之課題。準備程序長期化有何弊害?形成原因為何?日本採取何因應對策?我國日後實施本法是否會面臨相同問題?日本之實證經驗對我國有何啟發?我國可以考慮採取何對策?實有研究之必要。本文嘗試觀察日本裁判員案件之實證經驗,並比較我國之法制及實務運作,對於即將實施之國民參審案件如何避免準備程序之「肥大化」提出建議,以供參考。
英文摘要 My country’s “Citizen Judge Act” (hereinafter referred to as this law) will be implemented on January 1, 2023. This law system is designed with reference to the Japan citizen judge system as a prototype. The Japan citizen judge system has been implemented in May 2009 for more than 12 years. Its implementation experience has considerable reference value for the operation of this law that is about to be launched in our country.However, the gradual lengthening of the period of preparation procedures for Japan citizen judge system is evident, and the prolonged (“enlargement”) of preparation procedures has become a serious issue. What are the disadvantages of long-term preparation procedures? What is the reason? What countermeasures did Japan take? Will my country face the same problems when implementing this law in the future? What enlightenment does Japan’s empirical experience have for my country? What countermeasures can our country consider? There is a need for research. This article attempts to observe the empirical experience of Japan citizen judge system, compares my country’s legal system and practical operations, and proposes suggestions for how to avoid the “hypertrophy” of the preparation procedures for the upcoming national trial cases.
起訖頁 123-142
關鍵詞 國民法官法國民參審裁判員準備程序長期化證據開示Citizen Judge Act“Enlargement” of the Preparation ProceduresJapan Citizen Judge System
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202209 (328期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593132807  複製DOI  DOI申請

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