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The Implications of Discontinuation of Medications under the “Actio Libera in Causa” Doctrine
作者 許恒達
中文摘要 本文討論近期實務出現的新案例,曾診斷具精神疾病的行為人,雖曾服藥而控制病情,嗣後卻未繼續服藥導致症狀復發,並於精神障礙情狀下犯罪。近期有認為此類案例應構成原因自由行為而論以完全責任能力刑責,本文認為此類案例雖然有可能成立不作為的原因自由行為,但個別審查要件極難全面符合,不論從構成要件模式或例外模式論斷刑責,均難以構成原因自由行為。
英文摘要 This Article analyzes two recent court cases concerned with the criminal liabilities of mentally ill persons whose discontinuation of medications led to the commission of a crime. Recent work suggests that, under the actio libera in causa doctrine, offenders should not be excused in such circumstances. This Article argues that, while these circumstances do not necessarily prevent the offender from assuming criminal liabilities, cases that constitute actio libera in causa, with the discontinuation of medications as the omission that caused the subsequent criminal act, should be extremely rare. It is also important to note that the employment of both Tatbestandsmodell and Ausnahmemodell will lead to the same conclusion.
起訖頁 6-25
關鍵詞 原因自由行為停止服藥不作為構成要件模式保證人地位例外模式Action Libera in CausaDiscontinuation of MedicationsOmissionTatbestandsmodellPosition of GuarantorAusnahmemodell
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202209 (328期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593132801  複製DOI  DOI申請

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