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作者 陳聰富
中文摘要 契約之成立,除當事人意思表示合致外,必須當事人具有受契約拘束之意思。此項締約意思,表現於當事人的意思表示之中。學界通說認為,意思表示的主觀要素(效果意思與表示意思)並非意思表示的成立要件,致使意思表示的成立要件僅剩外部的表示行為,當事人的締約意思無所附麗,顯非妥當。
英文摘要 A contract is established where the parties have an intent to be bound by a contract in addition to an agreement between them. The intent to be bound is manifested by the declaration of intention of the parties. Under the prevailing comment of scholars, the subjective elements of the declaration of intention (i.e., the intent of effect and intent of declaration) are not the fundamental requirements to set up a declaration of intention. The end result is that the only requirement to establish a declaration of intention is the external act of the parties, without taking into account of the parties’ subjective intents. This conclusion is contradictory to the basic idea that a contract can be established only after the parties are willing to be bound by it.
This paper contends that where the intent of effect is not the basic requirement of a declaration of intention, the intent of declaration is such a basic requirement, which demonstrates the parties’ willingness to be bound by a contract. The intent of declaration includes both a subjective and an objective intent of declaration, with the latter being judged by the good faith and social customs. As a result, a declaration of intention cannot be established where a party has neither a subjective nor an objective intent of declaration.
起訖頁 79-93
關鍵詞 意思表示效果意思表示意思締約意思Declaration of IntentionIntent of EffectIntent of DeclarationIntent of Being Bound by a Contract
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202208 (327期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593132704  複製DOI  DOI申請

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