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A Study on the Procedures of Non-Contentious Casesof Parent-Child—Focusing on the Protection of the Best Interests of Minor Children
作者 劉明生
中文摘要 臺灣家事事件法並未設有子女之居住地,會面交往之權利,以及子女之交付有關以及危害子女利益之程序應優先於其他程序優先與迅速處理之規定,且就上述之事件未設有要求法院須於程序開始後1個月內進行討論期日之規定,凡此均有從保障程序參與者進行言詞討論期日之權利與迅速進行子女關係事件之觀點,再加以分析之必要。為保障未成年子女之利益,此項優先與迅速進行程序之要求應如何被貫徹?與其他家事事件程序進行之關係如何?臺灣家事事件法未來是否亦可增設相同類似之規定?凡此均須作更深入之研究。
英文摘要 The Taiwan Family Procedure Law does not stipulate that the place of residence of the children, the right to meet and interact, and the procedures related to the delivery of the children and the harm to the interests of the children should take precedence over other procedures and to deal with them promptly. The court is required to determine the discussion conference within one month after the start of the procedure, and it is necessary to analyze it from the viewpoint of safeguarding the rights of the participants in the procedure to have a verbal discussion date and to proceed with the child relationship issue promptly. In order to protect the interests of minor children, should this priority and prompt procedure be implemented? Will the Taiwan Family Procedure Law also add the same and similar provisions in the future? All of these require more research. Article 108 of Taiwan’s Family Procedure Law stipulates that before the court makes a ruling on the incident in Article 107 and other parent-child non-litigation, it shall inform the child in an appropriate manner, both inside and outside the court, according to the child’s age and physical and mental conditions such as ability to identify. The influence of the judgment result gives them the opportunity to express their wishes or express their opinions; if necessary, children psychologists or other professionals may be requested to assist. It does not clearly stipulate that in the event of personal care of a child, the child should state his opinion in “words”. In principle, the family court should listen to the statement of his opinion and consider it. For very young children (such as children under the age of three), should the court not have the impression of being in person, should they be notified of their presence? Moreover, the current law does not clearly stipulate which exceptions are not suitable for hearing opinions. In the case that the court should personally hear the opinion of minor children verbally, in practice, how should the court proceed with the opinions of minor children verbally? Can parents and litigation representatives be present when the child is making a statement? Should procedural assistants be present? All these are necessary to analyze and discuss from the perspective of protecting the best interests of minor children. What are the deficiencies of Taiwan‘s Family Procedure Law regarding the constitutional protection of minor children’s right to request a hearing for representation? To protect the right of minor children to express their opinions in these procedures, should it be recognized that they can directly invoke the provisions on the protection of the right to a hearing request in the Constitution?
起訖頁 51-78
關鍵詞 親子非訟事件交付子女會面交往事件暫時處分Non-Contentious Cases of Parent-ChildCases of Delivery of ChildrenCases of Meeting with ChildrenPreliminary Injunctions
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202208 (327期)
DOI 10.53106/1025593132703  複製DOI  DOI申請

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