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Analyzing the 2022 New Regulations of the Criminal Procedure Code on the Provisional Placement from the Perspective of German Law
作者 連孟琦
中文摘要 近年來數起精神病犯犯下嚴重犯行之案件,引起社會大眾恐慌,也揭露我國刑事訴訟法長年以來欠缺相對應於刑事實體法之程序雙軌制。現行刑事訴訟法之羈押或預防性羈押,精神衛生法緊急安置及強制住院,以及保安處分執行法之緊急監護處分,都無法滿足適當處置無責任能力被告,以保護大眾安全之需求。本文經由比較德國刑事訴訟法第126a條之暫時安置,評析我國二○二二年二月公布之暫行安置新制(刑事訴訟法第121條之1至第121條之6),指出條文之缺失並提出修法建議。
英文摘要 In recent years, several cases of serious crimes committed by mentally ill accused have caused panic among the public. They also revealed that there had been a lack of a dual system of criminal procedures corresponding to substantive criminal law for a long time. The current legal institutions, such as remand detention or Danger of recidivism as the ground for remand detention, the Mental Health Act, and Emergency tutelage, are not suitable institutions to deal with the mentally ill accused for public security. By comparing with German provisional placement (§126a German code of criminal procedure), this article examines the new regulations regarding provisional placement in Taiwan (§121-1 -§121-6 Taiwanese code of criminal procedure) and proposes a suggestion for improvement.
起訖頁 227-304
關鍵詞 暫行安置保安處分矯治與保安處分監護人身自由強制治療精神衛生法身心障礙者權利公約法治國原則無罪推定原則速審原則Provisional PlacementRehabilitative MeasuresMeasures of Reform and PreventionTutelageRight to FreedomCoercive TreatmentMental Health ActConvention on the Rights of Persons with DisabilitiesCRPDRule of LawPrinciple of Presumption of InnocenceRequirement of Rapid Action
刊名 政大法學評論
出版單位 國立政治大學法律學系
期數 202306 (173期)
DOI 10.53106/102398202023060173004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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