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Discussion on Medical Autonomy of Minor Patients from the Point of Comparative Law, and the Possibility of Making Advance Decisions by Minor Patients Themselves
作者 魏伶娟
中文摘要 在病人的醫療自主決定權已廣被認知到應予尊重和保障的今日,未成年病人是否亦得獨立行使此項權利,乃漸受關注之議題。於我國現行重要醫療法律的框架下,病人是否具有完全行為能力,乃擘劃其醫療自主決定權的行使空間時,相當重要的衡量因素。惟考量到如:不同個體的心智成熟度或其過往面對醫療行為的經驗不一,故若逕以此作為評斷未成年病人得否有效就醫療行為表示同意或拒絕的標準,是否有可能出現「基於保護未成年病人的善意初衷」,卻反而導致「未成年病人的醫療自主決定權受到不盡合理限制」的結果?值得探究。
英文摘要 At a time when the medical autonomy of patients is widely recognized as something to be respected and protected, there has been a growing concern about whether minor patients can independently exercise such rights. Under the framework of our nation’s current major medical regulations, whether a patient is of full capacity to make juridical acts is an essential criterion when marking the space for exercising their medical autonomy. However, with the different levels of maturity or past experiences of facing medical situations of different individuals, when using this as a criterion for judging whether a minor patient can effectively consent or refuse a medical practice, is it possible that “the good intentions to protect minor patients” result in “unreasonable restrictions on the medical autonomy of minor patients”?
In light of the aforementioned context, this article aims to analyze and reflect—from the point of view of comparative law—whether the disclosed planned method is sufficient to create an environment that is in the best possible interest of the minor patient, and further propose relevant insights, hopefully helping to expand the academic discussion on the rights and interests of minor patients in our nation.
起訖頁 233-289
關鍵詞 未成年病人醫療自主決定權預立醫療決定行為能力意思能力共同同意模式Minor PatientMedical AutonomyAdvance DecisionCapacity to Make Juridical ActsMental CapacityCo-Consensus Model
刊名 政大法學評論
出版單位 國立政治大學法律學系
期數 202303 (172期)
DOI 10.53106/102398202023030172004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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