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Legal Transplant in Society: An Omnipresent Aberrance?
作者 陳韻如
中文摘要 如果說法律是(或應該是)社會的反映,那麼存在社會的外來法律是否是種異常,或者僅存於非西方之所謂(半)邊緣(peripheral)社會之特殊狀況?如果說法律的跨境實為常態,且既有法與外來法的多元交雜乃無所不在,那我們如何正視與理解「本土社會中的外來法」?與此同時,以美國為主流之「法律與社會研究」中,移植議題亦屬邊緣。基於對這兩種邊緣性的反思,本文試圖更廣泛地以英語世界三個主要學術脈絡〔即,比較法方法、(後)殖民研究與法律全球化研究〕為起點,瞭解外來法與本地社會之間互斥、交雜或者共構等關係、機制與影響,並與戰後臺灣學界研究成果交互對照。本文一方面試圖建構一個初步的文獻地圖,另一方面則建議研究者在借鏡(移植)西方研究與理論的同時,從邊緣視角重構問題,乃至適合的概念方法之「工具箱」,循環往復地深化有本土關懷的法律與社會研究。
英文摘要 If the law is—or ought to be—the mirror of local society, is legal transplant an aberrance or exceptional phenomenon existing mostly in the (semi-) Periphery? Alternatively, if legal reception and legal pluralism are ubiquitous, how do we understand alien laws in local societies? This paper explores three main research areas related to legal transplants in the English-speaking world, namely comparative law, (post-) colonial legal studies, and legal globalization. Understand the coexisting, conflicting, and/or mutual constructive relations between imported laws and local societies. Furthermore, the paper provides a succinct account of research development regarding legal transplants in Taiwan, whose legal system has been (and continues to be) shaped and reshaped through several waves of legal receptions of the laws from the Center. Through such exercises, the paper aims to provide a tentative map for exploring laws’ mobilities and, at the same time, encourage researchers from the (semi-) Periphery to reconstruct questions and methods formulated in the Center, and to develop their own socio-legal studies with local subjectivity.
起訖頁 1-54
關鍵詞 法律移植法律與社會鏡像論比較法(後)殖民全球化法律多元法律史本土化邊緣Legal TransplantLaw and Society StudiesMirror TheoryComparative Law(Post-) ColonialGlobalizationLegal PluralismLegal HistoryLocalization(Semi-) Periphery
刊名 政大法學評論
出版單位 國立政治大學法律學系
期數 202212 (2022特刊期)
DOI 10.53106/10239820202212S001001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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