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The Meaning and Functions of Undertaking Within the Fair Trade Act
作者 牛曰正
中文摘要 公平交易法將事業區分為當然事業與功能性事業。功能性事業主要基於三項功能性判斷要素進行認定,但此一判斷在競爭法理論上之意義,並未受到明確釐清。
英文摘要 The Fair Trade Act (FTA), which is the competition law of Taiwan, applies to the conduct of an“undertaking.”Commonly accepted theories in Taiwan locate“undertaking”as the subject of the law. However, there exist foreign academic theories that emphasize the“substantive reach”and“attribution of liability”objectives of undertakings.
This paper is concerned with, first, whether an undertaking serves such policy objectives in the FTA as well. After revisiting past precedents, this paper concludes that undertakings have served both the“substantive reach”and“attribution of liability”objectives in Taiwan. Furthermore, according to the implied legal theory in existing precedents, this paper concretizes the“substantive reach”of undertakings to include both the“anticompetitive effect”and“justification”analyses.
Second, some competition law academics describe undertaking as a relative concept. In contrast, Paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the FTA categorizes undertakings into two types:“undertaking per se”and“function-based undertaking.”The functional approach is adopted in function-based undertakings. In contrast, an“undertaking per se”is an irreversible default (it is not permitted to overrule the legal fiction to be an undertaking per se, as long as the entity is a company, sole proprietorship, or partnership).
In such a dual legal structure, the“substantive reach”and“attribution of liability”analyses engaged in“function-based undertaking”judgment played no role in the“undertaking per se”analysis. However, it is still important to analyze“substantive reach”and“attribution of liability”issues in“undertaking per se”cases. Therefore, the only remaining way is to transfer the process to other parts of the FTA harm theory. Consequently, the legal theory of FTA is divided into different types, as a result of the unnecessary subject matter.
Finally, commonly accepted theories analyze the functional approach, including three factors: economic activities, independence, and continuity. These three factors are the sufficient and necessary conditions for a“function-based undertaking.”However, after examining the precedents, this paper finds that in some cases—especially the unfair competition cases—the Taiwanese competition authority (TFTC) usually depends on a very different definition of undertaking: whether the entity is engaged in illegal conduct. A possible reason for the“fourth approach”can be attributed to the dual targets of the FTA: the FTA is not only a competition law but also an unfair competition law. Therefore, the functional approaches originating from competition law are not automatically suited to unfair competitive conduct.
Based on the previous discussion, this paper confirms that the dual system of“undertaking per se”and“function-based undertaking”does not play a non-substitutable role in the FTA; instead, it produces contradictions and complexities. A better way to solve these issues is to restore“substantive reach”back to the“anticompetitive effect”and“justification”judgments.
起訖頁 209-287
關鍵詞 公平交易法事業當然事業功能性事業勞工互不挖角協議零工經濟Fair Trade ActUndertakingUndertaking Per seFunction-Based UndertakingSubstantive ReachAttribution of LiabilityNo-Poaching Agreements
刊名 政大法學評論
出版單位 國立政治大學法律學系
期數 202212 (171期)
DOI 10.53106/102398202022120171004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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