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German GPS Investigation Norm and Judicial Practice: Additional Commentary on the GPS Provisions in the Draft of the“Technology Investigation Law”
作者 王士帆
中文摘要 全球衛星定位系統(GPS)偵查在我國尚無法律授權。本文嘗試說明德國法制,作為立法芻議方向。德國GPS偵查依據在刑事訴訟法(StPO)第100h條的住宅外科技監視條款,原始條文誕生於一九九二年,歷經二○○一年德國聯邦最高法院(BGHSt 46, 266)、二○○五年德國聯邦憲法法院(BVerfGE 112, 304),以及扮演「歐洲憲法法院」的歐洲人權法院二○一○年Uzun判決的嚴格人權監督,皆屹立不搖。保護個人基本權利免於刑事訴訟的新型態秘密監控,如何在新科技的數位時代形塑隱私權內容,是歐洲人權法院無從迴避的原則性問題。人權監督如何落實到GPS偵查,只是歐洲人權法院處理的科技挑戰之一。不管是德國科技偵查監視規定或歐洲人權法院Uzun裁判見解,應該都能為我國GPS偵查的立法芻議,依據國際人權標準,帶來些許啟示與省思。本文期待拋磚引玉,促進未來更多不同觀點的辯證。
英文摘要 Global Positioning System (GPS) investigation is not yet authorized by law in our country. This article attempts to explain the German legal system as a direction for legislative discussion. The GPS investigation in Germany is based on the article 100h of the Criminal Procedure Law (§100h StPO) for technology surveillance outside the residence. The original article, born in 1992, went through the German Federal Supreme Court in 2001 (BGHSt 46, 266), the German Federal Constitutional Court in 2005 (BVerfGE 112, 304), and the strict human rights supervision of the European Court of Human Rights—acting as the “European Constitutional Court”—Uzun judgment in 2010, remains unshakable. The protection of the basic rights of individuals from the new type of secret surveillance of criminal proceedings and how to shape the content of privacy rights in the digital age of new technology is a principled issue which the European Court of Human Rights cannot evade. How to implement human rights monitoring into GPS investigations is only one of the technological challenges handled by the European Court of Human Rights. Whether it is the German technological investigation and surveillance regulations or the opinions of the European Court of Human Rights Uzun judgment, they should be able to provide some suggestions for my country’s GPS investigation legislation. According to international human rights standards, it will bring some enlightenment and reflection. This article looks forward to making some suggestions and promoting more dialectics of different viewpoints in the future.
起訖頁 55-128
關鍵詞 全球衛星定位系統刑事訴訟法歐洲人權公約歐洲人權法院隱私權Global Positioning System (GPS)Criminal Procedure LawEuropean Convention on Human RightsEuropean Court of Human RightsPrivacy
刊名 政大法學評論
出版單位 國立政治大學法律學系
期數 202209 (170期)
DOI 10.53106/102398202022090170002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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