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Smoking, Socioeconomic Status, and Life Satisfaction
作者 詹丞甲陶宏麟
中文摘要 臺灣符合抽煙流行期的發展,近數十年來抽煙率穩定下降,但開始更集中於低社經地位者,造成健康更不平等,也更可能藉由抽煙減緩資源相對缺乏的壓力。本文利用家庭動態調查資料分析抽煙與否、煙癮、煙齡與社會經濟地位及生活滿意間的關係。煙癮最重者教育程度最低,但煙齡較長者教育程度反而較高,反映出在抽煙流行發展早期,抽煙者並非社經地位低者;職業聲望及生活滿意與煙齡也有類似的關係。控制教育前,抽煙者的薪資較低,在控制教育後,抽煙與薪資並無關係。若細分抽煙的煙癮與煙齡,發現給定教育下,煙癮最重與煙齡最長者的薪資才顯著較低。
英文摘要 In line with the development of the smoking epidemic, Taiwan’s smoking rate has been stably declining in recent decades. However, smokers are more concentrated in low socioeconomic status. This deteriorates health equality and renders smokers to use cigarettes to alleviate depression of relative deficit of resources. This study uses data from the Panel Study of Family Dynamics to investigate relationships between smoking, socioeconomic status, and life satisfaction. Heavy smokers have the lowest educational attainments. However, smokers for more than 30 years have higher educational attainment, suggesting that in the early smoke epidemic, not most smokers are from low socioeconomic status. Similar associations are also found in occupational prestige and life satisfaction. Without controlling education, smokers’ earnings are lower. However, this association disappears after controlling education. Heavy and long-term smokers have low earnings when further dividing smokers based on the degree of addiction and years of smoking.
起訖頁 1-55
關鍵詞 抽煙煙齡煙癮抽煙流行發展期社經地位生活滿意
刊名 人文及社會科學集刊
出版單位 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心(原:中央研究院中山人文社會科學研究所)
期數 預刊 (36-37卷(2024-2025)期)
DOI 10.53106/1018189X202304002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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