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Intermarriages around the Hoklo-Hakka Borders, 1905–1945
作者 葉高華
中文摘要 本研究鎖定四個位處福佬—客家邊界但人口結構不同的地區,並根據1905-1945 年的戶口登記檔案,分析40 年間所有發生於當地的結婚事件。透過比較人口結構與福客通婚率的關係,本文揭開福客關係具有多種可能,並不像刻板印象那樣總是隔離或對立。此外,本文也分析雙親身分、婚姻形式、纏足偏好等因素如何影響福客通婚。嶄新發現如下:一、小婚(童養媳婚)最傾向採取族內婚,可能是為了避免姻親關係不足。二、纏足對福佬女性的束縛,包括阻礙他們與崇尚天然足的客家人通婚。
英文摘要 The marriage events from four areas around the Hoklo (Hokkien)-Hakka boundary that had distinctly different population structures were analyzed using the 1905–1945 household registration files. By comparing the association between population structures and the Hoklo-Hakka intermarriage rate, this research iden-tified a range of possibilities within Hoklo-Hakka relations that suggests more nuanced dynamics than the stereotypical interpretations such as isolation or confrontation. Micro-level factors such as parental marriage types, forms of marriage, and foot-binding preferences were also taken into consideration to determine potential effects on Hoklo-Hakka intermarriage. New findings include the following. 1) Minor marriages (child brides) were preferentially intra-ethnic marriages, perhaps to avoid unsatisfactory degrees of in-law relationship. 2) Foot binding was an inhibiting factor for Hoklo women that lowered their chances of intermarriage with the Hakka people, who preferred women’s feet unbound.
起訖頁 745-780
關鍵詞 歷史人口學族群關係婚姻形式纏足historical demographyethnic relationforms of marriagefoot binding
刊名 人文及社會科學集刊
出版單位 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心(原:中央研究院中山人文社會科學研究所)
期數 202212 (34:4期)
DOI 10.53106/1018189X2022123404003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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