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Deliberation in Social Movement:A Comparison of the D-Street in the Sunflower Movement and the General Assembly in the Wild Strawberry Movement
作者 林祐聖
中文摘要 審議民主與社會運動對於解決爭議的想像大異其趣,前者認為解決爭議的最好方式是透過討論,達成共識與符合共善的結論,後者則主張以集體行動的形式,去對抗造成不正義的敵人,以爭取自身的利益。本文比較太陽花運動中的公民審服貿與野草莓運動的公民大會,從團體風格的角度說明理論上不相容的邏輯如何在實作中並存。透過兩者的比較,本文認為若能對於矛盾邏輯的兩方,都形成負面參考點,較可能產生包容不同邏輯的團體風格,本文也從團體風格討論社會運動策略的道德性與集體認同的多元意涵。
英文摘要 This article compares the D-Street in the Sunflower movement and the General Assembly in the Wild Strawberry Movement to explore the combination of two incompatible imaginations on problem-solving: deliberative democracy and social movement. To make these two incompatible ideas work together, this article argues that building an appropriate group style is the key. This article indicates that actors have to treat both typical deliberative democracy and social movement as negative references to build a collective identity that can integrate these two contradictory logics. The shared assumptions derived from the collec-tive identity make the coexistence of these two logics possible. In the end, this article reminds use of the importance of bringing the group into analysis and rethinking the formation of collective identity and the moral dimension of stra-tegic repertoires in social movements.
起訖頁 665-702
關鍵詞 團體風格街頭審議公民審服貿太陽花運動野草莓運動group styleD-Streetdeliberative democracysocial movementsSunflower MovementWild Strawberry Movement
刊名 人文及社會科學集刊
出版單位 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心(原:中央研究院中山人文社會科學研究所)
期數 202212 (34:4期)
DOI 10.53106/1018189X2022123404001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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