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The Emperor of Vietnam Minh-Mang's Dream of a Powerful Maritime Country: Focusing on Shipbuilding and Overseas Business, 1820-1840
作者 鄭永常
中文摘要 越南明命皇帝是一位醉心於海洋強國夢的統治者,在位二十一年,共製造西洋戰船(多索船)超過五十艘,打造各式火砲及蒸氣船,除部署在沿海重要海疆外,還下令越南戰船航行於粵、閩和下洲(新加坡)等東南亞港口,且遠至孟加拉灣明歌鎮(加爾各答)從事貿易、偵察及海防任務,用以抵消西方人的覬覦和侵略。明命派戰船出洋公務高達六十一次,且1834年在湄公河戰爭中打敗暹羅海軍。這是明命皇帝性格和意志的展現,在當時傳統的東亞國家中,只有越南具有此等製造西洋船和蒸氣船航行於東亞海域的能力。
英文摘要 Emperor Minh-Mang of Vietnam was obsessed with the dream of becoming a maritime power. He built more than 50 Western warships (barquentines) and tried to construct steam ships. He ordered Vietnamese warships to sail to Guangdong, Fujian and Southeast Asian ports such as Xiazhou (Singapore), and as far as to Calcutta in the Bay of Bengal to engage in trade and reconnaissance, as well as to prevent Western aggression. Minh-Mang dispatched warships to go abroad for official duties as many as 61 times, and defeated the Siamese Navy on the Mekong River in 1834. This is a demonstration of the Emperor Minh-Mang's character and will. Among the traditional East Asian countries at that time, only Vietnam had the ability to manufacture Western warships and steam ships sailing on East Asia Seas.
起訖頁 589-624
關鍵詞 明命帝西洋戰船下洲(新加坡)東南亞越南海洋強國Emperor Minh-MangWestern warshipsXiazhou (Singapore)Southeast AsiaVietnam maritime powers
刊名 人文及社會科學集刊
出版單位 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心(原:中央研究院中山人文社會科學研究所)
期數 202209 (34:3期)
DOI 10.53106/1018189X2022093403005  複製DOI  DOI申請

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