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The Qing-Japan Cultural Exchange by Ryukyu's Intermediary Route during the 18th Century
作者 沈玉慧
中文摘要 1609年遭薩摩藩出兵的琉球,為了追求本國的自主性,及避免觸發清日間可能的體制衝突,自明清交替以來逐漸採取嚴格的隱蔽政策。中介於中日之間的琉球,為了因應薩摩藩與江戶幕府的需求,不僅居中傳遞情報、商品、文物、技術等,甚至中介雙方的文化交流活動。不同於情報、物品的傳遞,文化交流更仰賴人際網絡,因而亦見清朝官員也參與其中,成為中琉日往來途徑的重要元素。本文藉由17世紀以來此一途徑的發展,考察琉球透過土通事、冊封使節等官員所進行的清日文化交流事例,進而分析清朝官員於其中扮演的角色,探討中琉日交流網絡的形成、內涵及其意義。
英文摘要 With the experience of being invaded by the Satsuma Domain in 1609, Ryukyu started to take a strict concealment policy during the Ming-Qing transition. Standing between Qing China and Japan, Ryukyu helped to transmit intelligence, commodities, antiquities, and technologies, among others, to meet the demands of Satsuma and the Shogunate at Edo, and even coordinated cultural exchange activities between Qing China and Japan. Different from the transmission of intelligence and objects, cultural exchange heavily depends on social networks. Indeed, involvement of some Han Chinese interpreters and officials working for the Qing government has been found in these activities. This paper investigates the development and transformation of Ryukyu's intermediary role, examines the cultural exchange activities between Qing China and Japan that involved Chinese participation and Ryukyu's coordination, analyzes the roles of interpreters and officials, and finally discusses the formation and significance of the exchange network between China, Ryukyu, Satsuma and Japan.
起訖頁 81-111
關鍵詞 近世琉球中介交流土通事冊封使節交流網絡early modern Ryukyuintermediary exchangeHan Chinese interpretersQing investiture envoysexchange network
刊名 人文及社會科學集刊
出版單位 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心(原:中央研究院中山人文社會科學研究所)
期數 202103 (33:1期)
DOI 10.53106/1018189X2021033301003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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