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VOC Mariners’ Nautical Investigation around Taiwan between1636 and1668
作者 鄭維中
中文摘要 1624年起荷蘭東印度公司於大員(今臺南安平)設立商館後,於1636年初步完成在臺灣海峽兩岸的局部水文調查。1637年後,因應新航路開闢,針對新竹沿岸、小琉球海域從事細部調查。1642年公司擊敗佔領雞籠之西班牙人,開始掃蕩臺灣中北部新竹、苗栗沿海。同時,公司恢復由臺灣派遣船隻封鎖馬尼拉之行動,數度經由小琉球航向呂宋島。在1664–1668年間佔領雞籠時,由雞籠直航閩北、浙江海域,亦由東部南下航行至巴士海峽。公司人員在此段時間內對於臺灣島周邊的水域調查,確定了船隻由臺灣開航前往他處的端點,直到清代仍有多處持續運行。
英文摘要 The Dutch East India Company (VOC) established a commercial post in Tayouan (An-ping in Tainan city, Taiwan) and thereafter launched a series of nautical investigations. This investigation was accomplished in 1636. After 1637, a new set of investigations on the coast of Xinzhu and the waters off Xiao Liu- qiu were initiated for setting a new course across the Taiwan Strait. The Span- iards were defeated in Jilong in 1642, which led to an examination of the coast of Xinzhu and Miaoli. When the VOC resumed its blockade on Manila, vessels were assigned to Luzon passing by Xiao Liuqiu. During the reoccupation of Jilong in 1664–1668, the VOC vessels sailed around northern Fujian and Zhe- jian province and sailed south along the east coast of Taiwan. The VOC mari- ners had surveyed all waters around Taiwan and pinned down the terminal points for sailing from Taiwan to other shores. Most of those points were still functioning under the later Qing court.
起訖頁 35-79
關鍵詞 荷蘭東印度公司水文調查海圖測繪臺灣海道跨海航路The Dutch East India Company (VOC)nautical investigationhydrographical chartingwater routes to Taiwancourses crossing Taiwan strait
刊名 人文及社會科學集刊
出版單位 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心(原:中央研究院中山人文社會科學研究所)
期數 202103 (33:1期)
DOI 10.53106/1018189X2021033301002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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