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Pirate Lin Daoqian of Late Ming in Taiwan: A New Exploration
作者 徐曉望
中文摘要 晚明海寇林道乾曾多次往來於臺灣。嘉靖四十五年(1566)迫使海寇林道乾逃往東番魍港的不是俞大猷,實為戚繼光和他的部下。萬曆元年(1573)林道乾離開潮州河渡門老巢之後,並沒有馬上駛向柬埔寨,而是先到臺灣海峽活動。從嘉靖四十五年到萬曆六年的十三年裡,林道乾和其手下考察了臺灣多個港口,尋找定居之處,後因夥伴死亡太多以及明軍的攻擊而放棄。晚明的北港是指「台江內海」諸港,包括魍港、新港、赤嵌港與熱蘭遮城附近的大員港。本文根據新發現的明代史料指出:魍港是在臺南新港溪的下游,北港是在萬曆二十年之後才被列為海澄的貿易對象。
英文摘要 Lin Daoqian, one of the leading pirates of the late Ming, travelled frequently between Taiwan and mainland China. It is argued by this article that it was not Yu Dayou, but Qi Jiguang and his forces who in 1566 forced the sea-bandits led by Lin Daoqian to flee to the Wang Harbour, Dongfan, in Taiwan. Lin Daoqian and his sea-bandits did not sail to Cambodia in 1573. Instead, they were active in the Taiwan Strait. The author contends that the ‘Beigang’ in the historical documents referred to a number of harbours on the Taiwan coast, including Wang Harbour, Xingang, Saccam, and Tayouan Harbour. Based on some recently dis- covered Ming records, the author points out that Wang Harbour was in the lower reaches of the Xingang River in southern Taiwan, and the Beigang did not become the maritime trade counterpart of Haicheng in southern Fujian until 1591.
起訖頁 5-34
關鍵詞 晚明海寇林道乾東番臺灣魍港pirates of the late Ming dynastyLin Daoqian, DongfanTaiwanthe Wang Harbour
刊名 人文及社會科學集刊
出版單位 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心(原:中央研究院中山人文社會科學研究所)
期數 202103 (33:1期)
DOI 10.53106/1018189X2021033301001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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