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Images of Governing and Governability: A Case Study of the Propaganda during the 17th Century English Civil War
作者 賴芸儀
中文摘要 17世紀英格蘭內戰時期,議會軍從國王查理一世逃亡時棄置的私人物品中,發現他與王后荷麗葉特以及朝臣的往來信件。這些信件經議會編整後出版為The King's Cabinet Opened(1645)一書,呈現國王聽憑王后指示的軟弱個性,重創國王形象。本文透過脈絡主義式的研究途徑,梳理與建構相關史料,試圖探討當時圍繞該書有關政治能力之論述。該書透過打擊王后的形象,來質疑國王的統治能力。日後保王派則是藉由王后來宣傳君主權威,以及仿效議會派利用統治者配偶形象來打擊統治者統治能力的做法,透過指責護國公夫人有欠高雅的行為,嘲諷護國公克倫威爾缺乏統治能力。
英文摘要 This article proposes a contextual revision to the propaganda in the 17th century English Civil War on the images of governing and governability based on the publication as The King's Cabinet Opened of a packet of the King's letters. Said pamphlet showed that his Catholic French Queen, Henrietta Maria, wholly managed King Charles I and his Council. This offensive propaganda raised a huge debate on the personal characters of political rulers and ability of the King and the Queen to govern. The images of the Queen and later the Protectoress became a part of the controversy about the ability of the King and the Protector to govern.
起訖頁 489-521
關鍵詞 再現圖像文宣英格蘭內戰查理一世representationimagepropagandaEnglish civil warCharles I
刊名 人文及社會科學集刊
出版單位 中央研究院人文社會科學研究中心(原:中央研究院中山人文社會科學研究所)
期數 202009 (32:3期)
DOI 10.53106/1018189X2020093203005  複製DOI  DOI申請

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