篇名 | 法律的合憲性審查與共和國單一性的維持 |
並列篇名 | The Constitutional Review of Laws and the Preservation of the Unitary Character of the Republic |
作者 | Andr Roux |
中文摘要 | 梳理憲法委員會的判例,可以從法律形式上揭示法國式單一制的變遷。法國現行1958年憲法在制定時遵循了大革命以來的傳統,強調共和國的單一性。單一制既是主權之不可分割性的必然結果,也是人民之單一性的制度形態,據此,國家是唯一的立法者,公民以可互換的身份平等適用同樣的法律。經過55年的演變,法國式單一制逐漸承認了地方多樣性。在地方組織日益多樣化的同時,法律也日益地方化。地方多樣性的承認使單一性原則煥然一新,它也反過來對單一制國家的永久性構成一種保障。法國已經在單一制與地方自治之間找到了一種憲法平衡。 |
英文摘要 | The evolution of French type unitary state could be revealed its legal forms through the analysis of decisions of the Constitutional Council. The current French Constitution of 1958 confirmed the unitary character of the Republic by following the tradition since the Great Revolution. The unitary character is both the inevitable result of the indivisibility of the sovereignty, and the institutional expression of the indivisibility of the French people. The state is the sole law maker, and the same law shall be equally applied to all the interchangeable citizens. After 55 years development, the French type unitary state recognized the local diversity. The territorial organizations became diversified, and the law began its process of territorialization. The recognition of local diversity has made a new unitary state, and provided a guarantee for the perenniality of this unitary state. The French Republic has established a constitutional balance between the unitary state and local self government. |
起訖頁 | 245-254 |
關鍵詞 | 合憲性審查、單一制、地方組織的多樣性、法律的地方化、地方自治、constitutional review、unitary state、diversity of territorial organization、territorialization of law、local self government |
刊名 | 厦门大学法律评论 |
出版單位 | 廈門大學法學院 |
期數 | 201504 (25期) |
DOI | 10.3966/615471682015040025015 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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