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'The Neglected Minority': A Possible Reality of Collegial System's in Today's China - Based on 250 Litigation Appendix Files
作者 劉海濤劉毅梅
中文摘要 通過對某基層法院訴訟副卷的抽樣統計和文本分析發現,當前合議制虛化的傾向已愈演愈烈,衍生出判決前簡單口頭合議甚至不合議,訂卷時再利用判決書文檔剪輯編撰成虛構的合議筆錄之“判而後錄”現象。在訴訟副卷保密制度的遮罩下,這已成為當前基層司法普遍存在而又習以為常的一種危險做法。結合訪談所得,文章描述了“判而後錄”背後實際運作著的、真正決定案件裁判的“非正式合議”流程。這種合議庭合議與院庭長“把關”交相雜糅的非正式合議流程,侵削了合議庭成員應有的責任意識和獨立精神,放大了合議庭成員在群體決策機制中的消極懈怠心理,並在相當普遍的層面上抑制了“少數意見”及其應當起到的對司法公正的正向作用。文章提出,應實行合議筆錄公開制度,以此重構合議庭評議之運行環境及利益格局,從而為實化合議制運作提供更加堅實且可靠的內生動力。 
英文摘要 It is found that false collegial system has intensified by analyzing vice files of a basic peoples court. The false record of deliberating by the collegiate bench has been made by editing judgement because that there is only oral collegiality, even no collegiality. Because of vice file confidential system, that phenomenon has become very common in current basic peoples court,this is really dangerous. The article describes informal collegial procedure which behinds the phenomenon collegiate after judgement. Informal collegial procedure undermines the sense of responsibility and independence of the member of a collegial panel, enlarges their negativity and slackness in group decisionmaking, strangles the effect of minority opinions which is positive to equal justice. So it is necessary to establish the collegial record disclosure system, reconstruct the environment and the pattern of collegiate bench, thus providing a more reliable internal power for true collegiate system.
起訖頁 26-37
關鍵詞 訴訟副卷vice file collegiate
刊名 厦门大学法律评论
出版單位 廈門大學法學院
期數 201504 (25期)
DOI 10.3966/615471682015040025002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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