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Literal games: An investigation of the usage of sarcasm in Legend of Concubine Zhen Huan
作者 Chi-Shuo LeeLan- Hsin Chang
中文摘要 諷刺為一種具攻擊性的冷嘲 (Attardo, 2000; Haiman, 1998),使用正面字眼傳遞負面意義或態度,用於特定對象且具有意味不明的批評 (Dews, Kaplan, & Winner, 1995)。先前文獻指出,說話者對聽話者諷刺是為了表達幽默或攻擊性的意圖(Dews et al., 1995; Jorgensen, 1996; Toplak & Katz, 2000)。本研究以《後宮甄嬛傳》七冊小說中選出兩冊,檢視諷刺使用方式,基於情緒、動作、及行為的描述(Claridge, 2001; Dews et al., 1995; Jorgensen, 1996; Toplak & Katz, 2000),根據上下文選出22句具有諷刺意味的句子,建立小型語料庫,利用AntConc及中研院資訊所的中文剖析器做詞類文意分析。研究結果顯示: a) 諷刺不只以直述句表達,還常以‘疑問副詞+否定’的疑問句呈現; b) 諷刺主要功能為冒犯與攻擊; c) 冷嘲性批評比字面批評攻擊性大; d) 內文大部分諷刺指涉對象均在諷刺現場。
英文摘要 Sarcasm, a type of aggressive irony, targeting a victim and carries implicit criticism (Attardo, 2000; Haiman, 1998) employs positive words to convey negative meanings or attitude (Dews, Kaplan, & Winner, 1995). Previous studies focusing on the functions or usages of sarcastic irony found that some speakers used sarcasm to express humorous or aggressive intention to the addressee (Dews et al., 1995; Jorgensen, 1996; Toplak & Katz, 2000). This study thus examined the usages of sarcasm used in Legend of Concubine Zhen Huan (後宮甄嬛傳). Based on the description of emotion, gestures and behaviors (Claridge, 2001; Dews et al., 1995; Jorgensen, 1996; Toplak & Katz, 2000), twenty-two passages showing sarcasm in context were extracted from 2 out of 7 volumes of the novel Legend of Concubine Zhen Huan (後宮甄嬛傳). A small-scaled corpus was created and the data were analyzed via AntConc and CKIP Chinese Parser. The results showed that: a) the sarcasm in this text was not only expressed in statements but also in question forms with the pattern of ‘interrogative adjunct (adverb) + negation’; b) offense/aggression was the major function of sarcasm in the text; c) ironic criticism is more aggressive than literal criticism in this text; d) most referents in the text was a present victim.
起訖頁 161-186
關鍵詞 諷刺語料庫冷嘲SarcasmCorpusIrony
刊名 華岡英語期刊
出版單位 中國文化大學英國語文學系
期數 201312 (19:1期)
DOI 10.3966/221880882013121901007  複製DOI  DOI申請

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