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International Perspective on the Dotted Line in the South China Sea
作者 賈宇王灝
中文摘要 China was the first country to find, name, develop and administrate the islands in the South China Sea. China’s sovereignty over the islands in the South China Sea and surrounding sea areas has sufficient historical and legal basis. This article analyzes the nature and legal basis of the dotted line, by summarizing the origin and development of the dotted line in the South China Sea, and discusses and proves that the dotted line is a line of historic rights from the perspective of customary international law. China enjoys sovereignty and historical rights such as the right to fish and the right of navigation within the dotted line. These rights have been acknowledged and respected by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.
英文摘要 中国是最早发现、命名、开发经营和管辖南海诸岛的国家。中国对南海诸岛及其附近海域的主权有充分的历史和法理依据。本文通过总结南海断续线由来和发展的历史经纬,分析断续线的性质和法理依据,从国际习惯法的角度论证断续线是一条历史性权利线。中国在断续线内的南海海域享有对南海诸岛的主权和包括捕鱼、航行在内的历史性权利。历史性权利得到《联合国海洋法公约》的承认和尊重。
起訖頁 23-53
關鍵詞 南海断续线国际法
出版單位 中國法學會
期數 201305 (1:2期)
DOI 10.3966/209548672013050102002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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