篇名 | Illicit Supply and Demand: Child Sex Exploitation in South East Asia |
並列篇名 | 違法的供給與需求:兒童性剝削在東南亞 |
作者 | Adam R. Tanielian |
中文摘要 | 隨著移民增加和世界各國邊界更加開放,兒童的性剝削問題正日益受到關注。較多的人口和較差經濟條件製造了個人在性產業中被剝削的機會,而國際旅行則提供了持續的需求和在交易中使顧客保持匿名的感受。性旅遊業每年創造數十億美元的商機,這使得一些國家的經濟是部分依賴於包括和剝削兒童有關的非法收益之上。在理論上內國法和國際法均對兒童有所保護,但在現實中這個產業卻在部分受到執法人員的協助的狀況下擴散。本文著重於分析東南亞國協之成員國作為涉及未成年人非法性服務的主要供應者,以及美國人和加拿大人作為這些服務主要消費者之狀況。本文並且回顧與國際條約、心理及社會理論與經濟和犯罪的統計資料,並對作為研究課題的十二個國家的內國法進行比較。本文並討論由外在力量改變目標群體社會條件的可能,並且嘗試提出一個動態的新改革方案。 |
英文摘要 | As migration increases and borders open more worldwide, child sex exploitation is a growing concern. Larger populations and poor economic conditions create opportunity to exploit people in sex industries, while international travel provides consistent demand and a sense of anonymity to the practices. Sex tourism generates billions of dollars annually, and some national economies are partially dependent upon illicit proceeds from sex, including those relating to exploitation of children. Domestic and international laws have been established to protect children in theory, but in reality the industries proliferate, some with the assistance of law enforcement personnel. This article focuses on the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) group as a major supplier of illicit sexual services involving minors. Americans and Canadians are considered major consumers of those services. Relevant literature is reviewed along with international legal conventions, psycho-social theory, economic and crime statistics. Domestic laws from the 12 nations studied are compared. The potential to change social conditions from outside of a targeted group is discussed and a dynamic new approach to the problem is introduced. |
起訖頁 | 97-140 |
關鍵詞 | Child Protection、Pedophilia、 Child Sex Exploitation、 Sex Tourism、Organized Crime、 ASEAN、戀童、兒童保、兒童性剝削、性旅遊業、組織犯罪、東南亞國協 |
刊名 | National Taiwan University Law Review |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣大學法律學系 |
期數 | 201303 (8:1期) |
DOI | 10.3966/181263242013030801003 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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