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The impacts of personal information protection act on nursing clinical practice
作者 邱慧洳
中文摘要 個人對自身個人資料具有資訊隱私權與資訊自主決定權,此等權利應受法律保障,非符合法律規定,任何人不得任意蒐集、處理與利用之。個人資料保護法旨在規範公務機關與非公務機關如何合法蒐集、處理與利用人民之一般與特種個人資料。個人資料保護法之施行對人民生活型態與醫護人員執業活動勢必造成衝擊,衛生署與醫院應加強個人資料保護法的宣導,並建立因應措施,以免醫護人員不知如何因應個人資料保護法所造成的衝擊而觸法。本文將介紹公務機關與非公務機關如何合法進行下列事項:(1)蒐集、處理與利用一般與特種個資、(2)安全管理個資、(3)踐行蒐集個資前之告知義務,並介紹個資法對洗腎護理臨床實務之衝擊與相關因應措施。
英文摘要 People have the right to “personal information privacy” and “personal information selfdetermination”. These rights should be protected by law and personal information should only be collected, processed and used in accordance with the law. The purpose of the Personal Information Protection Act is to regulate how government agencies and non-government entities can legally collect, process and use general and sensitive personal information. The implementation of the Personal Information Protection Act will inevitably impact on how people live and the activities of health professionals. The Department of Health and hospitals should therefore educate the health professionals of the details and impacts of the Personal Information Protection Act and establish protocols to help health professionals avoid violating the law. This paper will introduce how government agencies and non-government entities legally collect, process and use general and sensitive personal information, securely manage personal information and ensuring informed consent before personal information is collected. The impacts of the Personal Information Protection Act on nursing clinical practice as well as relevant protocols will also be described.
起訖頁 001-013
關鍵詞 個人資料保護法個人資料護理人員腎臟護理
刊名 臺灣腎臟護理學會雜誌
出版單位 臺灣腎臟護理學會
期數 201309 (12:3期)
DOI 10.3966/172674042013091203001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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