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並列篇名 | Pre-travel immunizations, counseling and medicine |
英文摘要 | "In 1978, the World Health Organization (WHO) in the ""Alma-Ata Declaration"" made clear that primary health care is the key to ""health for all”; since then it became the basis of development in health care system for most countries. The 2008 World Health Report reinforced once again that the needs to strengthen ""primary health care"". The 2013 WHO World Health Report, pointed out that regardless of the economic situation, each country should try to make people enjoy a high quality of health care services and it needs to be based on empirical research, covering topics on how to promote population health, well-being and development of each countrys academic institutions and public health programs, strengthening research, and especially links to international cooperation resources. To face the challenges of global aging society, regardless of what type of health care system, primary care should be the foundation. It is composed of a multi-disciplinary team led by family physicians, utilizing a shared care model with cost-effective health care services. We should aim to improve the primary health care in Asia-Pacific region, to achieve the goal of ""Every family has a family doctor”. 2015 Asia-Pacific Regional Conference WONCA in Taipei will showcase the development achievements of family medicine in Taiwan as example. Taking the New Horizons and Challenges as its main theme, topics will focus on integrated care (Service: New Challenges and Competencies), education and training (Education: Training, Certification and Professional Development), primary health care policy (Policy: Integrated Community Health Care), as well as issues such as research and innovation (Research Development: Information Technology and Health Cloud in Family Practice). We deeply hope that each family medicine organization of Asia Pacific countries could contribute to their experience sharing and working together in cooperation to meet the new challenges of aging society in 21st century. |
起訖頁 | 1-2 |
刊名 | 台灣家庭醫學雜誌 |
出版單位 | 台灣家庭醫學醫學會 |
期數 | 201503 (25:1期) |
DOI | 10.3966/168232812015032501001 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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