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Commercial Law in an Age of Automation: Upstream Planning to Forestall Downstream Transaction Costs
作者 David C. Donald
中文摘要 數據分析使許多評估和交易流程得以自動化,本文研究對象乃此一過渡時期的商業法。根據在四個金融中心進行的研究和訪談,本文指出,以自動化流程建構的運作方式,律師和金融專業人士將更多地參與較為抽象的準備活動,並減少花費在親自執行流程上的時間。
英文摘要 This article examines commercial law in transition as data analytics allows many evaluative and transactional processes to be automated. Based on research and interviews conducted in four financial centers, the article posits that both lawyers and financial professionals will engage more in more abstract, preparatory activity to construct the logical cores for algorithmically automated processes and spend less time performing the processes themselves. This move upstream away from direct contact with underlying data and clients will nudge the “liberal professions” toward the rational organizing principles of industry in general.
起訖頁 63-75
關鍵詞 商業法金融科技法律科技監管技術數據分析自動化人工智能Commercial LawFintechLegaltechRegtechData AnalyticsAutomationArtificial Intelligence
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 202005 (300期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312020050300003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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