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The New Bill of Artificial Intelligence: Unmanned Vehicles Technology Innovative Experimentation Act
作者 張麗卿
中文摘要 2018年12月公布之「無人載具科技創新實驗條例」(下稱「無人載具條例」),主要在於鼓勵各界投入無人載具的研發、創新與應用,打造合理、安全的創新實驗場所,進一步讓無人載具真正進入人類生活,是臺灣第一部有關人工智慧研究實驗的法律規定。無人載具條例的立法完成,不只是反映臺灣發展自動駕駛汽車的決心,更是展現臺灣推動無人載具科技的雄心;然而該條例,對於臺灣民眾,乃至於科技界或法界,都是比較陌生的法律,但卻與未來科技產業發展密切相關,尤其是人工智慧發展迅速的現在,更具重要性。本文針對該條例之立法目的及相關規範內容加以闡述,尤其就排除法規的適用情形,有詳細的說明及舉例,希望能提供對該法案有興趣者之參照。
英文摘要 The “Unmanned Vehicles Technology Innovative Experimentation Act (hereinafter the “Unmanned Vehicles Act”)” published in December 2018 aims at encouraging the public to invest in the development, innovation, and application of unmanned vehicles, establishing a reasonable and safe innovative experimental environment, as well as bringing such vehicles truly into human lives. It is Taiwan’s first legislation on artificial intelligence research and experimentation. The completion of the Unmanned Vehicles Act not only reflects Taiwan’s determination to develop self-driving cars, but also demonstrates Taiwan’s ambition to promote technologies related to unmanned vehicles. Even though this Act is a relatively less well-known legislation for Taiwan’s citizens, technology sector, as well as legal industry, it is closely tied with the future development of technology industries and has become more essential considering the current rapid evolution of artificial intelligence. This article, serving as a reference for those interested in the Act, will introduce its legislative purpose and the relevant provisions as well as provide detailed illustrations and examples regarding the application of exemptions.
起訖頁 81-92
關鍵詞 無人載具科技創新實驗條例無人載具監理沙盒(Regulatory Sandbox)自動駕駛Unmanned Vehicles Technology Innovative Experimentation ActRegulatory SandboxSelf-Driving Cars
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201910 (293期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312019100293006  複製DOI  DOI申請

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