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Parent-Child Relationship after the Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage
作者 鄧學仁
中文摘要 釋字第748號解釋明示同性婚姻相關法制若2年後逾期未完成立法,當事人得向戶政機關辦理結婚登記。然則完成登記後,同性婚姻者若欲擁有下一代應如何規範並未說明。由於現行親子法係建構在異性婚之架構上,若同性婚者將來欲成立親子關係,能否適用現行民法之婚生推定、生父認領非婚生子女、以及非婚生子女其生父與生母結婚視為婚生子女之準正等相關規定,恐將產生爭議。尤其目前同性婚者已有之子女應如何成立親子關係,2019年5月24日以後,法院如何因應收養之聲請潮,以及未來立法應採何種方式,凡此均為本論文所欲探討之內容。
英文摘要 The J.Y. Interpretation No. 748, while stating that same-sex couples may file applications to register the marriage if the relevant legislation fails to be enacted within two years, it didn’t specify how the said couples should do if they wish to have any offspring after such registration. Since the current parent-child relationship is based on the structure of opposite-sex marriage, it’ll be controversial if the “child presumed to be born in wedlock”, “biological father’s acknowledgment” and “post-marital legitimization” systems under the current Civil Code also apply to same-sex couples’ parent-child relationships and in particular, how to establish the parent-child relationship with the said couple’s existing children, how shall the court handle the application for adoption after May 24, 2019, and what legislative approaches shall be taken in the future. All of the above are topics that this article will discuss.
起訖頁 40-52
關鍵詞 同性婚姻親子關係婚生推定認領收養Same-Sex MarriageParent-Child RelationshipChild Presumed to Be Born in WedlockAcknowledgmentAdoption
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201812 (283期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312018120283003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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