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Commentary on the “The Pyramid Model of Judicial System” Proposal by the Judiciary Yuan
作者 溫祖德
中文摘要 司法院今年提出金字塔型刑訴法修正草案,為達刑事訴訟改革理念及實現去年司法改革國事會議結論,提出建立堅實的第一審、第二審原則上為事後審或嚴格續審制,第三審為嚴格法律審之金字塔結構,草案中關於第三審為彰顯其法律審性質,改以許可上訴制度,同時,刪除現行刑訴法第379條所列判決當然違背法令事由,綜觀修正後該事由,以判決牴觸憲法或所適用之法令牴觸憲法及判決違背司法院解釋者作為上訴第三審事由,等於將上訴事由主要限縮於違憲判決或原審判決所適用之法令牴觸憲法時,方得直接上訴於第三審法院,此不但與司改國事會議結論將終審法院結構定位為嚴格法律審以期發揮統一法律見解之功能不符,更誤解嚴格法律審之意為違憲審查,甚至在制度運作下,有損及我國最高法院作為終審法院之裁判權威性。此外,修法草案對於第三審上訴制度之功能、裁量許可上訴制、上訴理由、言詞辯論等相關制度之修法方向,仍有再三思量之空間,本文乃藉此機會一一探討之。

This year, Judicial Yuan proposes amendments to the Code of Criminal Procedure regarding the appeal system for the Supreme Court (“The pyramid model of judicial system”) for the realization of judicial reform. Among the amendments is one that will transform an appeal to the Supreme Court into the discretionary appeal and will, mostly, transition to constitutional review of a case or of the law applied to a case. Such amendments amount to transforming the appeals system of the Supreme Court to the constitutional review, which is repugnant to the conclusion of the judicial reform conference and will not be able to exercise its function to maintain the consistency of the interpretation of the laws. Furthermore, the goals of the discretionary appeal system for the Supreme court and the oral argument procedure are both worthy of second thoughts before promulgation by the Legislation. This article will examine those topics to express the opinions.

起訖頁 42-60
關鍵詞 裁量(許可)上訴制嚴格法律審違憲審查金字塔型刑訴制度第三審上訴“The Pyramid Model of Judicial System”Discretionary AppealConstitutional ReviewAppeal System
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201811 (282期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312018110282003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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