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你的「瘋機」 vs. 我們的「風機」──以所有權或利潤共享為中心的綠色能源公民參與機制與國際相關政策立法發展簡析
“Your Annoyed Wind Turbine” VS. “Windfarm Ours”-Promoting the Local Acceptance of Renewable Energy Siting Through Local Ownership or Local Financial Participation Scheme and Examples in Germany and Demark
作者 蔡岳勳
中文摘要 即便多數的主流民意支持再生能源的發展,現實上,在推動再生能源的建設與場址選擇,卻面臨地方或是社區民眾越來越多的抗爭與衝突,亦即學理上所描述的「鄰避現象」(notinmybackyard,NIMBY)等衝突現象。而這樣的民眾抗爭或是鄰避現象,已逐漸成為各國推動再生能源發展上最大的問題之一。另一方面,以權利或利潤共享的參與機制為中心,例如民眾入股、共同獲利或是直接參與,以降低鄰避現象的全民參與或社區參與綠能建設開發的模式,逐漸在許多國家開始發展。本文將就再生能源之社會經濟接受度層面的文獻討論出發,進而探究再生能源設置(siting)所引發鄰避現象之問題以及以權利/利潤共享最為中心的公民參與新模式的提出,進而介紹德國、丹麥在推動相關公民參與模式之簡介以及其實務上之問題,期以提供我國發展之參考。

英文摘要 Despite the general support from the majority of citizens on the development of renewable energy as a means to combat climate change, in reality, the local opposition on renewable energy facility siting, such as NIMBY effect, is one factor that potentially become a powerful barrier to the development of renewable energy in many countries. As a result, some countries have adopted new legal mechanism to promote local ownership or financial participation in renewable energy projects with the goal to increase the local acceptance and reduce the NIMBY effect in renewable energy siting. This paper will first survey the literal reviews on the social acceptance of renewable energy, and further explore the NIMBY issues in renewable energy siting, along with the arguments of local ownership or financial participation schemes to reduce the aforesaid NIMBY issues; then explores the experiences of introducing the local ownership schemes in Germany and Demark; with the goal to provide a reference for Taiwan in further promoting its renewable energy development after the major amendment of the Electricity Act in 2017.
起訖頁 5-25
關鍵詞 再生能源鄰避公民參與公民入股Renewable EnergyLocal OwnershipNIMBYPublic Participation
刊名 月旦法學雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201711 (270期)
DOI 10.3966/102559312017110270001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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